Since August 2012 there exists for the first time in years a youth soccer team in
Suto Orizari. It is the largest Roma community in the world on the edge of Skopje.
Football and Roma and the non-profit organization Ambrela have organized this soccer
team in context with the project Integration by sports and education.
In Suto Orizari (also called Shutka) there are thousands of children without
an opportunity to practice sports, since there exist no organized leisure activities,
hardly any sports grounds or green spaces that are good for sports. Ines Österle
and Saskia Koger were able to get an idea of the situation, when
they travelled to Suto Orizari to meet members of Ambrela. These were interested
to build a soccer institution in Shutka together with Football and Roma.
As part of their travel Ines and Saskia were able to conduct two soccer training sessions.
About 50 children attended. In Shutka children were very enthusiastic about this event.
Ambrella is responsible for the organization of the training and the participation in the game
operation. The team consists of approximately 20 footballers of 10 to 12 years.
The training takes place twice a week under the guidance of Ljatife Skovska, who was
born in Suto Orizari. She used to be a professional footballer in Germany in the nineties.
She is a physical education teacher. She studied and graduated in Macedonia and Turkey.
The project aims to give children the opportunity to learn how to play
soccer and to practice it. The participation can furthermore promote their integration.
Outlook 2012
We plan to establish of a girl's football team in 2012. Both Ambrela and FaR
want to support girls and women. Ljatife will attend a C-Coach training course at the sports college
Steinbach. She was invited by the Südbadische Fußballverband.
Ambrela is a Macedonian NGO, founded by three women, Aida, Ljatife and Gordana.
With the help of some volunteers they support local people in Suto Orizari.
They run e.g. a creche and are committed to the
renovation of the only local school building.
Latife attaches great importance to the build up of a soccer team; she can look
back to a successful career as an athlete. She is positive that soccer (sports in
general) is for children in Suto Orizarin and worldwide an important resource.